Index    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    明治維新の年表  サトウの略伝  サトウの著述


○日本語の書体の種々の様式(The Various Styles of Japanese Writing.)
――Article in the Chinese and Japanese Repository, No. XX, March, 1865.
(Translation of the Diary of a member of the Japanese Embassy to Europe in 1862―3.)
――Articles in the Chinese and Japanese Repository, Nos. XXIV to XXIX, July to December 1865.
○蝦夷のアイヌ人(The Ainnons of Yezo.)――Article in the Phoenix, No. 1, July, 1870.
(An Episode in Japanese History : An extract from a book entitled "The Illustrated History of Taikosama")
――Article in the Phoenix, No. 17, November 1871.
○琉球に関する覚書 (Notes on Loochoo.)
――The opening article in Vol. 1 of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1872.
○日本の地理(The Geography of Japan.)
――Another article in Vol. 1 of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1872.
○日本(一八五三〜六四年) (Japan, 1853-1864.)――First published in Yokohama in 1873.
○会話編(Kuaiwa Hen.)――Published in Yokohama, 1873.
○応世史略二(五三〜六九年) (Kinse Shiriaku.)――First published at Yokohama in 1873.
○伊勢神宮(Shintau Temples of Ise.)――Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. II, 1874.
○純粋神道の復活(The Revival ol Pure Shintau.)――Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, Vol. Ill, 1875.
○日光の案内書(A Guide-book to Nikko.)――Published in Yokohama, 1875.
○英日口語辞書(An English-Japanese Dictionary of the Spoken Language.)
――With M. Ishibashi. Published in Yokohama in 1876.
○日本への煙草の伝来(The Introduction of Tobacco into Japan.)
○薩摩における朝鮮人陶工(The Korean Potters in Satsuina.)
○一八七八年、八丈島訪問記 (Notes of a Visit to Hachijo in 1878.)
○日本における火鑽(ひきり=古代の発火具)の使用(The Use of the Fire-drill in Japan.)
――Articles in Vol. VI of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1878.
○古来の日本の祭式(Ancient Japanese Rituals.)
○山口の教会(The Church at Yamaguchi from 1550―1686.)
○日本語五十音図の音訳(Transliteration oi a Japanese Syllabary.)
――Articles in Vol. VII of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1879.
○チとツに関するエドキンス博士への回答(Reply to Dr. Edkins on Chi and Tsu.)
○上野における古墳(Ancient Sepulchral Mounds in Kozuke.)
――Articles in Vol. VIII of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1880.
○日本の中部、北部地方旅行案内書(A Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan.)
――First published in Yokohama in 1881.
○日本の初期の印刷(On the Early History of Printing in Japan.)
(Further Notes on Movable Types in Korea and Early Printed Japanese Books.)
――Articles in Vol. X of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1882.
○朝鮮の地名表(Lists of Korean Geographical Names.)――Published in Yokohama, 1884.
(Notes on the Intercourse between Japan and Siam in the Seventeenth Century.)
――Article in Vol. XIII of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1885.
○シャムの書籍目録に関する論文( Essay towards a Bibliography of Siam.)――Published at Singapore, 1886.
○日本における耶蘇会の伝道印刷物(The Jesuit Mission Press in Japan, 1591―1610.)
――Privately printed in England. Subsequently republished in facsimile in Japan, 1888.
(The Origin of Spanish and Portuguese Rivalry in Japan.)
――Article in Vol. XVIII of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1890.
○日本の神話と古代日本人の宗教上の礼拝(The Mythology and Religious Worship of the Ancient Japanese.)
――Article in the Westminster Review, July, 1898.
○日本における竹の栽培(The Cultivation of the Bamboo in Japan.)
―― Article in Vol. XXVII of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 1899.
○ジョン・サリス船長の日本への航海(The Voyage of Captain John Saris to Japan, 1613.)
――Published by the Hakluyt Society, London, 1900.
 (Articles on "The Far East, 1815―1871'" and "Japan".)――In Vol. XI of the Cambridge Modern History, 1909.
○海洋における私有財産の免税(The Immunity of Private Property at Sea.)
―― Article in the Quarterly Review, Vol. CCXV,1911.
○戦時の海洋における私有財産(Private Property at Sea in Time of War.)
―― Article in the Nineteenth Century and After, 1913.
○シレジアの借款とフレデリック大帝(The Silesian Loan and Frederick the Great.)―― Published at Oxford, 1915.
○外交上の慣例案内(A Guide to Diplomatic Practice.)―― First published in 1917.
○日本における一外交官(A Diplomat in Japan.)――Autobiography, 1921.
○英人サトウ家の年代記(The Family Chronicle of the English Satows.)―― Privately printed, 1925.
○外交上の慣例に関する論文(Article on "Diplomatic Practice".)――The Cambridge Historical Journal, 1925.
○仏教の日本伝来史(History of Introduction of Buddhism into Japan.)
――Article in Vols. II and III of the Journal of the Buddhist Text Society, published at Calcutta, Date unspecified.
○仏陀の生涯(Life of Buddha.)―― Articles in same volume.
